編曲:何官錠AL 和聲/和聲編寫:鄧福如Afu
製作人:何官錠AL / 鄧福如Afu
那屈辱落在身上 留下像彩虹般的痕
那不堪入耳的話 就像一首小調的歌
他們在笑著 看你墜落 讓你覺得自己醜陋
於是你等著 等痛剝落 等你的不同 化成翅膀顫動
You can fly,you can fight,you can be the light of the dark side.
then no one can hurt you anymore
You can't cry,no! don't cry! You should be the queen of the dark side.
There's no one can hurt you anymore
伴隨呼吸的寂寞 漸漸變成堅硬的殻
(不必再渴望理解 沒有人能夠理解)
困惑在心中下著 匯聚成名叫夢的河
(不必再渴望理解 誰理解?)
他們在笑著 看你墜落 讓你覺得自己醜陋
於是你等著 等痛剝落 等你的不同 化成翅膀顫動
You can fly,you can fight,you can be the light of the dark side.
then no one can hurt you anymore
You can't cry,no! don't cry! You should be the queen of the dark side.
There's no one can hurt you anymore
但你有的自由 比宇宙還遼闊
穿越過黑洞 There is a mirror,and you see a beautiful creature.